Hyperledger Aries Bifold
Open Source Mobile Agent
Hyperledger Aries is an open source project dedicated to developing the infrastructure required for blockchain-rooted, peer-to-peer interactions and can be a vital component to support the exchange of verifiable credentials between mobile devices.
Indicio contributed the initial code for the Aries Bifold and is committed to providing further support to the Aries community.
Indicio Holdr+
Use Indicio’s new mobile app to hold, connect, and communicate using your verifiable digital credentials within a Trusted Digital Ecosystem
Build an open source digital wallet with Bifold and make it easy to share verifiable credentials in a Trusted Digital Ecosystem
Mobile agent
Maintenance and Updates
Support and Training
every aspect of your Mobile App —
with all of the the ongoing support you need to succeed
Supported by the Indicio MainNet or any other Hyperledger Indy-based Network
Why we contributed
Indicio supports the open source and interoperability goals of the decentralized identity community and is committed to advancing decentralized identity and trusted data ecosystems as a public good that enables people to control their identities online and share their data by consent.
For Indicio, as a public benefit corporation, it is our mission to honor the idealism of the open source community that brought decentralized identity technology into existence. This means open sourcing the infrastructure that we build, and making interoperability the compass point that directs how we build for others.
Contact us for information about how Indicio can build a complete Trusted Digital Ecosystem for you.
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