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The Indicio Proven Blueprint for Creating a Trusted Data Strategy

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Learn how you can meet business demands with actionable, trustworthy data in three easy steps.

Demo: Verifiable Credentials in Education

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See how verifiable credentials can be used to manage student IDs and degrees. 

Platform vs Component-Based Solutions

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Before purchasing a decentralized identity solution you will need to decide if you want to buy a platform or component-based system. But what is the difference, what are the benefits of each approach, and what will provide the best way forward for your organization? 

Identity Insights — New Government of British Columbia Project with Alex Walker

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In this episode, we sit down with Indicio Software Engineer Alexandra Walker to learn about some new work Indicio is doing for the Government of British Columbia.

Identity Insights — Platform vs Component Based Solutions with Ken Ebert

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Indicio CTO Ken Ebert joins this week’s Identity Insights to discuss the difference between component and platform-based solutions, the benefits of each, and Indicio’s approach.

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