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Indicio Launches Proven Mediator on Google Cloud

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Indicio’s latest product in Google Marketplace provides a reliable way for mobile devices to communicate with credential issuers and verifiers in decentralized identity solutions built using DIDComm.

Indicio offers a variety of verifiable credential protocols, tools, and building blocks

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Learn from Indicio CTO Ken Ebert how Indicio is able to offer customers the best possible solutions to meet their exact requirements.

Identity Insights — Indicio’s Mediator Breakthrough with Alex Walker

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Indicio Software Engineer Alex Walker joins this episode to share some exciting news about the Indicio Mediator! Learn how this new advancement will quadruple the output of a typical mediator and what that means for verifiable credential implementations.

Why a Ledger?

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In this article we will seek to understand why you would want to use a distributed ledger, how this decision affects your solution, and what your options are.

Identity Insights — What is SocketDock? With Colton Wolkins

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In this episode we are joined by Indicio Software Engineer Colton Wolkins to discuss a new technology to help scale decentralized identity solutions.

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