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SITA and Indicio announce a co-innovation agreement to accelerate the development of digital identities

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Learn more about the recent co-innovation agreement between SITA and Indicio and how we are working together to create digital credentials for an easier, more secure travel experience.

A Beginner’s Guide to Decentralized Identity

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What is decentralized identity? Indicio VP of Governance and Communication Trevor Butterworth recently wrote “The Beginner’s Guide” to provide a good foundation for anyone seeking to comprehend this technology. 

Zero-Trust Practices with DIDComm

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Zero-Trust practices offer many benefits to the organizations that adopt them; in this piece, we explore how they work, why they are gaining in popularity, and how DIDComm can help enable them for you.

Governance Demo

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What is governance and why is it important in decentralized identity ecosystems? Get a quick yet comprehensive understanding in this demonstration.

Identity Insights — The Identity Industry with Ken Ebert

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Indicio CTO Ken Ebert joins the program to discuss the digital identity industry as a whole, where Indicio sits, and what makes this technology so important to every industry.

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