Announcing our Node Operators
July 6, 2021
Indicio.tech, a public benefit corporation, announced the twenty-one companies backing its global network for blockchain-based decentralized identity. With each company hosting a copy of Indicio’s public ledger, the Indicio Network enables companies and organizations around the world to provide privacy-preserving ways of proving identity and authenticity to people, businesses, and even the Internet of Things.

New Use Case: Decentralized Identity opens the doors for safe travel and tourism
Learn how Indicio and SITA worked together using privacy-preserving technology to reshape contactless health information sharing.

Become Decentralized Identity Certified
Our customized workshops are designed to provide key insights into fundamental use cases, dive deep into the impact of the technology, and offer both technical and nontechnical audiences the opportunity to ask the questions they need to continue their education in decentralized identity.

Watch Cardea Community Meetup Videos you might have missed
All Cardea Community meetings are recorded and uploaded to our YouTube channel for anyone who wants to watch on-demand. Subscribe today to make sure you never miss a video!

Our Test Net and Demo Nets are FREE!
Explore, build, learn, and test with the Indicio Network.

Upcoming Events
Here are a few events in the decentralized identity space to look out for.