First Responder Credential

Powered by Proven™

Quickly ensure only authorized personnel are allowed to work inside emergency areas.

Specially designed for use by

First Responder Organizations / Nonprofits

Save your team time and ensure they are up to date on their certifications with an easy to use credential that is securely stored on their mobile device.

Local Governments

Securely issue tamper-proof credentials to your first responders to reduce confusion and save time at an incedent site.

First Responder Unions

Provide a secure way to share member status and remove the need for plastic credentials that can be lost or stolen.

Key Benefits

Tamper-proof: unlike plastic or paper cards these credentials cannot be falsified, as the verifier checks to see that the issuer is a qualified entity.

Faster response: credentials can share data across many different kinds of platforms, accelerating coordination in an emergency

Ease of use: simple interface allows for employees to keep track of their credentials on their mobile device and easily share the data when necessary.

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Are you ready to start using actionable, verifiable data?

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Indicio’s open-source decentralized identity technology helps you reduce costs, mitigate fraud, and comply with data privacy regulation by design.