Open-source projects, standards and protocols

Indicio works closely with many open-source projects and keeps up with the latest standards and protocols so you don’t have to. Here are some of the standards and groups Indicio is compliant with and contributes to.

Standards & Regulations

eIDAS 2.0

Regulations for digital identities set by the European Union

European Digital Identity (EUDI) Regulation

The standard for digital wallets set by the European Union

European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

Regulations for the processing and storage of personal data its movement

Mobile Driver's License (mDL) (ISO 18013-5)

The ISO standard for what constatutes a “mobile driver’s license

Open Badges 3.0

The standard for Open Badges for sharing educational achievements

Digital Travel Credentials Standards

Core Principles for the Development of Digital Travel Credential (DTC) set out by ICAO

OpenID for Verifiable Credentials (OID4VC)

Specifications for verifiable credentials by the OpenID group

DIF Credential Trust Establishment 1.0

Specification for how to trust presented Verifiable Credentials

DIDComm Messaging v2.1

Specification for secure, private communication methodology built on decentralized identifiers

World Wide Web Consortium Verifiable Credentials Format

Standards for Verifiable Credentials for the secure sharing of information

The technology behind decentralized identity

Verifiable Credentials, Decentralized Identity, Digital Identity

Verifiable Credentials

A set of tamper-proof claims and metadata that can cryptographically prove who issued it.

Digital Wallets

Mobile applications that allow users to easily store data locally and share it
when necessary.

Distributed Ledger Networks

A purpose-built database that is synchronized and accessible across different sites and geographies.


The rules for governing your verifiable ecosystem, built for easy enforcement and instantaneous updates.


A system for creating trustworthy relationships between people and businesses in a privacy-preserving way.

Indicio Public Cloud Mediator

Indicio’s public mediator for use in
testing, development and


A standardized set of rules for
formatting and processing data
in a decentralized ecosystem.


Software whose source code is made available for use or modification as users or other developers see fit.

Open Standards

Standards made available to the general public and developed and maintained via collaboration and consensus.

Hosting Options

Simplify adoption of open source verifiable credentials with Google Cloud
or Amazon Web Services.

Biometric Authentication

Enable users to bring their own biometric data and secure systems against fraud and AI deepfakes with Verifiable Credentials

How Indicio can help

Indicio works closely with all of these technologies, ensuring that your solution stays up to date and interoperable with the latest open-source projects and standards. We can also help you build custom integrations and offer round the clock customer service to ensure that your needs are met.

Indicio’s full solution, Indicio Proven® comes with all the peices necessary to create a verifiable credential ecosystem on top of your existing infrastructure, making building easy and getting your project to market fast.

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