Decentralized identity


Digital Transformation Takes Flight—Literally!

Digital Transformation Takes Flight—Literally!

The era of seamless travel has arrived: SITA’s Digital Travel Credential isn’t just a better way to travel and cross borders, it’s a symbol of a new era in privacy-preserving, trustworthy digital interaction.By Trevor Butterworth The promise of digital interaction is...

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Indicio Creates Verifiable Data Solution for Public Sector

Indicio Creates Verifiable Data Solution for Public Sector

New Government Permits, Licence and Certifications product makes it easier to issue and verify any government permit, license, or certification.SEATTLE, September 18, 2023 — Indicio, the world’s leading software development company delivering verifiable data solutions...

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The Future is Passwordless

The Future is Passwordless

Passwords have been our main key to gain access to products and services for years. But as other options come onto the market, it is worth exploring what they can offer and why you might want to switch.By Tim Spring Passwords have been around for a long time, so long...

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Handling High Volume Verification with SocketDock

Handling High Volume Verification with SocketDock

Indicio’s new open-source tool enables websockets to quickly manage large scale mediation without dropping messagesBy Colton Watkins Imagine the following  scenario. It’s a Friday morning, the first day of a convention that only comes around once a year, and you’re...

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Indicio Launches Proven Mediator on Google Cloud

Indicio Launches Proven Mediator on Google Cloud

Indicio’s new Google Marketplace product enables mobile devices to communicate with credential issuers and verifiers in decentralized identity solutions that are built using DIDComm. Reliable mediation is critical to building a successful Trusted Digital Ecosystem...

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Why a Ledger?

Why a Ledger?

In a previous article we discussed what exactly a ledger does. In this article we will seek to understand why you would want to use one, and what your options are.By Sam Curren For a brief recap, the ledger offers four important elements when building a decentralized...

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Yeah, But MY Organization’s Passwords Are Secure, Right?

Yeah, But MY Organization’s Passwords Are Secure, Right?

Logging into a computer with a password has been around almost as long as there have been computers, which means bad actors have had lots of time to figure out ways around them. It’s time for something new.By Tim Spring Passwords are one of the biggest headaches for...

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How do you get started with verifiable credentials?

How do you get started with verifiable credentials?

Adopting new technologies can be a daunting task, tying up resources and taking much longer than planned. You might even think that you'll just stick to the broken system you know than the new system breaking in ways you never anticipated. Verifiable credential...

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