A Mobile Driver’s License (mDLs) is a digital specification for a physical driver’s license. Given that driver’s licenses are widely used for identification, it’s likely that a digital version would enjoy similar ubiquity online. Here, we look at what exactly they are (are they verifiable credentials?) their benefits, and why they are not currently widely available.

By Tim Spring

It all starts with the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 18013 series. In a nutshell, this document creates a common standard for international recognition of a digital driver’s license. 

The standard lays out the scope as follows:

  • You must use a machine to obtain the mDL. 
  • The mDL must be tied to the mDL holder. 
  • You must be able to authenticate the origin of the mDL data.
  • You must be able to verify the integrity of the mDL data.

Critically, there are two things the standard does not cover:

How the holder’s consent to share their data is obtained.

Any requirements on how the mDL data is stored.

So now we know what the mDL is: it is a driver’s license that can be stored on your mobile device and is tied to you. It can be proven to be as accurate as a physical card because we can prove that it was issued by a proper authority — such as the department of motor vehicles — and prove that the integrity of the data has not been compromised.

But an mDL is not the same as a verifiable credential because the mDL data can technically be stored in a siloed database. However, a verifiable credential, which allows a person to hold their data, could absolutely fit this standard and be used to easily issue mDLs, as they meet all the other requirements laid out above. 

The benefits 

The benefit to using mDLs is similar to the benefits of using verifiable credentials. They are simple to verify and use, convenient, and often more secure than a physical document.

There are guides written on how to spot a fake ID. This is because each state has their own methods for trying to make their driver’s licenses difficult to counterfeit. An mDL offers a much simpler way to verify the identity of a person or their age for eligibility to purchase goods: all you need to do is scan the QR code and the software will tell you. You don’t need a flashlight, or to look for holograms. 

Most people also now have a mobile device that is always with them. Carrying a digital version of your driver’s license allows you to not worry about accidentally leaving your ID somewhere or needing to fish through a bag to find it, it is always at your fingertips.

Lastly, the security features of these mDLs, especially if they are created through verifiable credentials, are hard to match. If the mDL is a verifiable credential, it is essentially immune to forgery because the software can cryptographically verify the origin of the data, and there is an additional layer of security from the data being stored on the holder’s mobile device instead of a centralized database, removing the risk from data breaches. 

Why are these mDLs not commonplace?

One of the reasons why these credentials have not yet been widely adopted is that regulations have not kept up with the technology.

In the US, the REAL ID act of 2005 wasn’t updated until the end of 2020 to include permission for digital and mobile drivers licenses. But the federal government leaves the issuing of driver’s licenses to each state, meaning that the state governments also have to vote on implementation; as of August 2024, only 13 have passed legislation to start issuing mDLs. 

If they are being issued by your state they are not currently a replacement for your license, but an additional way to represent it, meaning that you will likely still have a physical license somewhere. This could be another reason that many haven’t adopted them, they see it as an add-on that is unnecessary.

It’s important to remember that this technology is still new. Many people might not understand or trust it yet, but as the world shifts to be more digital, it will be a big part of how we prove our identity moving forward. 

If you are part of an organization looking into mDL technology, or a better way to prove your identity online, Indicio can help! Get in touch with our team of experts today.


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