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Indicio, Airbnb, Google, Open AI and others named as “Movers and Shakers” transforming travel

Learn why leading travel industry analyst publication PhocusWire has chosen Indicio as one of its “Movers and Shakers” of 2023 for developing-award-winning seamless travel technology (with our partner SITA).
Indicio Proven’s New Hosted Mediator Service Makes Scaling Your Solutions Faster, Simpler

Indicio’s latest service removes the need to set up and manage your own mediator so you can focus on helping your customers benefit from verifiable data and identity. Learn how you can get started today.
How Verifiable Credentials Can Save Government Money (and Improve Your Life)

Governing generates an enormous amount of paperwork, so much so, the US employs an estimated 228,000 auditors to keep track of it. Here, we look at how governments can save millions on issuing documents, licenses and permits, while providing a much better experience for citizens.
Identity Insights — Indicio Proven’s New Hosted Mediator Service with Sam Curren

Indicio Deputy CTO Sam Curren joins the most recent Identity Insights to discuss the new Hosted Mediator Service available with Indicio Proven. Get an overview of what it is, how it could help your team, and how to get started.
Identity Insights — How Governments benefit from Verifiable Credentials with Helen Garneau

Indicio Chief Marketing Officer Helen Garneau joins the show to discuss how governments are using verifiable credentials to save time and money while providing convenience to their citizens.

Upcoming Events
Here are a few events in the decentralized identity space to look out for.