Employment Records
Powered by Proven™
Quickly issue, share, and verify important employment documentation
Specially designed for use by
Gain access to a faster, better system for proving work and education history.
Save time and money on background paperwork and enable quick data sharing across platforms.
Combat fraud through credentials that cannot be copied or falsified because the issuer is tied to the credential.
Key Benefits
Tamper-proof: unlike paper documents these credentials cannot be lost, stolen or copied. The credential is checked to have come from a valid issuer and is stored securely on the end user’s mobile device.
Faster data sharing: credentials allow you to trust data as if it came directly from the issuer, removing the need for contacting past places of work and references and allowing you to immediately act upon it.
Lower liability: simple interface allows for users to keep any sensitive personally identifying data on their mobile device, making storing and deleting any sensitive information in a regulatory compliant way by the institution unnecessary.
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Are you ready to start using actionable, verifiable data?
Contact us today and learn how you can get started!