Access Management
Quickly issue, share, and verify important identity information to grant access to sensitive areas and data.

How can Verifiable Credentials improve your access management systems?

Increase efficiency: These credentials are quick to issue, revoke, or verify. Because they are stored locally on the end user’s mobile device they cannot be lost, forgotten, or misplaced when trying to gain access.
Fight fraud: Unlike typical passwords, ID cards, or keys, these credentials are tamper-proof and cannot be lost, copied, or stolen. Credentials are cryptographically verified at the point of presentation to ensure that they come from the correct issuing party.
Reduce liability: Simple interface allows for patients to keep any sensitive personally identifying data on their mobile device, and only share what is necessary, making storing and deleting that data in a regulatory compliant way unnecessary.
Enhance Security: Remove reliance on centralized and federated identity systems, ensuring that your environment stays secure without the need to check in with third parties to authenticate users
More secure access management for all
Issue your staff verifiable credentials to provide better access management and keep out bad actors.
Provide more secure and efficient access to government programs.
End users
Provide an easy and secure way for your users to hold and store their ID locally on their mobile device.
See how it works
Indicio’s Verifiable Credentials show how quickly you can onboard employees and share and revoke access to important systems.
How Indicio can help

Indicio provides ready-to-use verifiable credential technology that can easily integrate into your existing systems to enhance your identity and access management processes.
Indicio Proven® comes with everything you need to create a working ecosystem right out of the box, and our team of experts will make sure you get set up for success and can help you customize it to your specific use case.
Indicio also monitors the latest standards and technologies, ensuring that your solution stays up to date, is interoperable, and compliant with any regulations.
Get Started
Are you ready to provide faster, more secure access management for your users?
Contact us today and learn how you can get started!