How to navigate Europe’s new digital identity and wallet standards without your development team grinding to a halt? Here’s why Indicio is your copilot and how we take a 360-degree approach to successful deployments.
By Heather Dahl
The European Union’s new digital identity specifications — eIDAS 2.0 and EUDI — are transformative. They will change the way we digitally interact with each other, with government services, and with business. By creating a digital architecture for seamless trust, they will seed a new era of innovation.
Which is all very exciting. But implementation of decentralized identity is not always as simple as it sounds. Speaking from experience, before great things can be built, gnarly technical challenges and unfamiliar specifications must be overcome. And for anyone who has been watching the eIDAS 2.0 and EUDI development wave, the surf is… rough.
I’ve no doubt you have an ace technical team. But let me illustrate the development challenge you face and then talk about this challenge as a business proposition.

Are you sure you’re going to get to deployment? We’ve seen many teams fail to achieve lift off after a long and costly runway.
The Indicio recipe
It’s not just that our team has your back, whether it’s at 4am or half a world away; it’s that we have all your bases covered. Engineering a decentralized identity solution isn’t just about code: it’s about architecture, business strategy, governance policy, and marketing.
Solutions don’t work in a vacuum, they have to work with business logic, government policy, consumer behavior and expectations, and through successful change management and marketing. When we talk about integrating a solution, we mean integration across all these dimensions. And this is what makes Indico different. We integrate all these dimensions into a solution. We’ve honed this 360-degree approach through successful deployments for SMEs and global enterprises across different industries and sectors.
This is why our solutions work. This is why customers become clients and global enterprises become partners. We’re your team. We’re an extension to your innovation lab and marketing department, your sales and strategy. We’re driving success across all dimensions.
Build faster, smarter with Indicio
So, back to eIDAS 2.0 and EUDI. Why not just start ahead? Why not skip a costly development timeline and layer proven technology into your existing systems?

The benefits are clear. You get to focus your team on the solutions you can build and sell. And you get a system that provides global interoperability and global scalability.
Our team has already solved the challenges your team will face.
Our team has unmatched global experience to help you get the right combination of technology and strategy to drive success.
Our team can provide all the elements critical to success right now, whether that’s mediation to country-level verification, the infrastructure and policy to run a trust network, or the certified training to support a deployment.
Finally, because we’re already where you want to be, we’re focused on building the features to put you ahead of your competition, such as the workflows to make European digital credentials interoperate with the rest of the world.
EUDI and eIDAS represent a tremendous opportunity. Indicio is your copilot to get there.